about 5 years ago, Bellaire Elementary
At this time, after being cleared by Columbia Gas, students have been transported back to the High School where they will remain until normal dismissal hours. School will be in session tomorrow on its regular schedule.
about 5 years ago, Darren Jenkins
A Gas leak has been identified within the village of Bellaire. As a result, the Bellaire HS is being evacuated to the Bellaire Middle School. Parents should NOT pick up their children. This is due to the source of the leak not being known. Therefore, the safest place for those students is in the Middle School not the village.
about 5 years ago, Darren Jenkins
Bellaire Local Schools is accepting sealed bids for Ford vehicles
about 5 years ago, Bellaire Elementary
Just a reminder that Bellaire Middle School will be holding it's annual Fall Festival tomorrow, Wednesday October 23rd from 5 to 7 pm. There will be no entry fee and all are welcome! Hope to see you there.
about 5 years ago, Derek Ault
Good afternoon. This is just a reminder that Bellaire Local Schools will be operating on a 2 hour delay tomorrow, Friday, October 18th due to the end of the first 9 weeks grading period. Also, student report cards will be sent home on Thursday, October 24th. Thank you.
over 5 years ago, Derek Ault
This is a reminder that Bellaire Middle School will be having school picture day tomorrow, Wednesday, October 9th. Please have your information filled out on the picture forms that were sent home with students last week. Thank you.
over 5 years ago, Derek Ault
Darren Jenkins, superintendent of Bellaire Local Schools, was recognized as the Outstanding Administrator at the Ohio Board Association's Southeast Region Fall Conference.
over 5 years ago, Bellaire Elementary
BMS Adv. PE class learned some YOGA today!
over 5 years ago, Derek Ault
BMS Adv. PE class learned YOGA today!
BMS Adv. PE class learned YOGA today!
BMS Outdoor Education Class The Bellaire Middle School Outdoor Education classes are asking for donations of new/used fishing equipment: poles, reels, tackle, line, ect. Any donation helps and would be greatly appreciated!
over 5 years ago, Derek Ault
I just wanted to say 'Thanks' for allowing me to ride along for the 5th opening day this morning.Our drivers do a great job transporting our students to and from school. Some of the places they take and turn those big yellow buses are amazing. Thank You for all that you do!
over 5 years ago, Darren Jenkins
First day bus ride
Everyone please remember our school buses will be on the road early tomorrow morning picking up students. Let's please be careful on the first day of school.
over 5 years ago, Darren Jenkins
school bus
At its regular August Board Meeting, the Bellaire Local Board of Education established the Paisley LaRoche Memorial Scholarship at the parents' request. The scholarship, which will first be awarded to a graduating member of BHS class of 2020, was established in the memory of Paisley, who passed in infancy, by her family.
over 5 years ago, Darren Jenkins
Paisley LaRoche Scholarship Established
Bellaire High School student schedules will be available on August 15th from 9am to 2pm. We will have them ready for you in the BHS Principal's Office. Go Big Reds!
over 5 years ago, Derrick McAfee
Bellaire Elementary hosting Open House on August 15th
over 5 years ago, Ben Doyle
bes open house
Bellaire Local Board Member, John LaRoche, was recently honored by OSBA and the south region for his service to the students of Bellaire
over 5 years ago, Darren Jenkins
Bellaire Local School District was honored by the Bellaire Women's Auxiliary as a community partner. Please join them on August 3nd at Nelson Field Parking Lot
over 5 years ago, Darren Jenkins
High School Artists Help Decorate Elementary School: The halls of Bellaire Elementary are dinosaur themed for Right to Read Week. The Bellaire High School Art Department pitched in by making dinosaur pictures for our third grade wing. Thanks for your help!
over 5 years ago, Bellaire Elementary
Bellaire Board of Education member John LaRoche was recently honored by the OSBA for his 10 years of service on the BOE.  
over 5 years ago, Ben Doyle
Student Award Winning Artwork on Display! BHS senior Andi Perrie's award winning bear sculpture, "Barry," is currently on display in the windows of central office.
over 5 years ago, Apptegy Admin