Good afternoon Big Reds. Reminder to parents: mid terms were passed out to your students today. Please check you student's grade and help us ensure their success.
almost 2 years ago, Scot McMahon
The baseball player/parent meeting scheduled for tonight has been moved to the middle school tonight at 6.
about 2 years ago, Scot McMahon
Change in tomorrows lunch menu. Lunch tomorrow will be: Hot dogs Chili Sweet potato fries Peaches
about 2 years ago, Scot McMahon
Attention parents: Reports cards are being distributed today. Please check you students report cards and help us ensure their success.
about 2 years ago, Scot McMahon
Attention senior parents: Seniors have received a form regarding graduation. The form is to indicate how the senior wants their name on the diploma. There is also a place to indicate whether or not the student will participate in the graduation ceremony. Parents need to complete the consent for students not participating in the ceremony. The form is due back in the office by January 27, 2023.
about 2 years ago, Scot McMahon
Graduation form
Attention Big Reds: We are having some confusion about the dress code here at the high school. Page 12 of the handbook lays out the rules. I want to emphasize that Dress Code Section 1 points out that shoes must be worn at all times and secured to the foot. No flip or slides are permitted. Section 11 prohibits sleepwear including but not limited to slippers, pajamas, and lounge pants. Violations can result in progressive discipline.
about 2 years ago, Scot McMahon
Hey Big Reds, Please find attached the order form for the Bellaire Boys Basketball clothing fundraiser. Please support the basketball team. Get them before Christmas! They make great gifts.
about 2 years ago, Scot McMahon
Boys Basketball Fundraiser
Attention parents: Progress reports were distributed to all students today. Please make sure you check your student’s progress. Help us ensure your student’s success.
about 2 years ago, Scot McMahon
Saturday Morning Basketball with coach Battista starts tomorrow.
about 2 years ago, Scot McMahon
Saturday Morning Basketball
Attention junior and senior parents. Those juniors and seniors eligible for National Honor Society were notified today. Qualifications are listed in the student handbook. These applications are due next week and those who do not turn the application in will not be considered for induction. Check with your student and help them complete the application.
over 2 years ago, Scot McMahon
Attention parents. Two important announcements. 1) report cards for the first nine weeks were distributed today. Please make sure to check your child's grades, and 2) Monday, October 31, is the last day students are allowed to wear shorts at the high school. Starting November 1, long pants will be required.
over 2 years ago, Scot McMahon
Attention Big Reds. Clarification on the previous post/ call. Only Bellaire High School is on remote learning on Monday, October 17. All other schools in the district as well as the JVS are operating on a normal schedule. Again, JVS is open as normal on Monday.
over 2 years ago, Scot McMahon
Good Afternoon Big Reds. Bellaire High School will be operating on remote learning on Monday, October 17, 2022. The water in town is scheduled to be off, prompting the remote learning day. Make sure your student brings water with them on Tuesday, as town will be under a boil order. Students, make sure to check Schoology and complete all assignments posted on Monday.
over 2 years ago, Scot McMahon
Attention parents: two quick announcements. First, the first nine weeks ends on October 21. Please take the time to check your student’s grades and ensure they do not have missing assignments. Do your part in ensuring your child’s success. Second, as noted in the handbook, food deliveries to the school are not allowed. Intercepted food will be confiscated. It is a safety issue.
over 2 years ago, Scot McMahon
Later this week, the high school will roll out new Chromebooks for all freshman students. These will be the Chromebooks assigned to them for their entire high school career. They will turn them in at the end of the year, but will be assigned the same one next year. All freshman will get a letter with their Chromebook. The letter is attached. It lays out an optional insurance plan to help defray the cost of any damage. Please read the letter and respond either in the affirmative or the negative. All freshman will be expected to return the letter filled out. Your student will be responsible for the Chromebook and the charger for the duration of their high school career.
over 2 years ago, Scot McMahon
Device Insurance Form
Attention parents and guardians, Mid term progress reports will be distributed tomorrow (September 21) to all students. Make sure to check your student's progress. Reports will list missing assignments. If your student does not turn assignments in, they can not be graded and figured in to their average.
over 2 years ago, Scot McMahon
Attentions students and parents, All students were emailed another code to access the school pictures. Please have your student check their email for the new code.
over 2 years ago, Scot McMahon
Reminder that picture day at the high school is tomorrow, September 1. Make sure your student is picture ready. All students received an email with instructions on ordering pictures.
over 2 years ago, Scot McMahon
Good afternoon Big Reds. The first day of school is going well at the high school. I want to take a minute to give a few reminders. Your student received a handbook today. It outlines the policies and procedures for the high school. I encourage you to review it with your students. We have adjusted the morning drop off location for this year. All students will enter the school through the gym foyer into the cafeteria. Tracking grades is integral to student success. It is a team effort. Please see the attached letter. It includes important dates and information that will help you keep track of your child's grades. Please contact the office with any questions.
over 2 years ago, Scot McMahon
Good afternoon Big Reds! This is an important announcement for high school students and their families. High school schedules will be available for pickup on Tuesday, August 15 and Wednesday, August 16 from 9 am until 1 pm in the office at the high school. We look forward to starting another school year next week. Enjoy the end of your break. Thank You and Go Big Reds!
over 2 years ago, Scot McMahon