We are committed to providing opportunities for our students. Today that means a college fair at the highlands. #BigRedsBaby 🔴⚫️

Attention parents and students: Bellaire Local Schools will be operating on a 2 hour early dismissal schedule on Friday, October 27. At the high school, dismissal will be at 12:30 pm. #BigRedsBaby 🔴⚫️

Reminder.... tomorrow (Monday, October 23) Bellaire Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay. #BigRedsBaby 🔴⚫️

Please support this Class of 2025 fundraiser. #BigRedsBaby 🔴⚫️

Bellaire 41 Martins Ferry 14. Final #BigRedsBaby 🔴⚫️

Pep rally... bonfire.... tradition. #PoundPurple #BuryFerry #CrushThoseGrapes #BigRedsBaby 🔴⚫️

A little rain can't stop the Big Reds. Getting ready for a tail gate with an old friend. #PoundPurple #BuryFerry #CrushThoseGrapes #BigRedsBaby 🔴⚫️

Big Reds competing in chin up challenge against Martins Ferry as part of the Great American Rivalry Series. #BigRedsBaby 🔴⚫️

It was great working with the football and cheering seniors and Bellaire Elementary staff to have our kids greet the elementary students this morning as part of spirit week. #BigRedsBaby 🔴⚫️

On November 2, the Belmont County Juvenile Court is having their fall speaker at the Capitol Theater in Wheeling. All students received permission slip to attend the assembly. Students must turn the permission slip in by 11am on Tuesday, October 24. No permission slips will be accepted after that. #BigRedsBaby

Volleyball ends season, falling 3-1 to Coshocton. #BigRedsBaby 🔴⚫️

Big Reds drop 20-14 decision to Union Local. #BigRedsBaby 🔴⚫️

Got to check out the fall play this morning. The kids did an amazing job. You still have time to see it tomorrow at 7 in the library. #BigRedsBaby 🔴⚫️

Please note that I corrected the time for the play start to 7pm. Apologies for the confusion

UPDATE!!!!! Remember: the thespians fall play is happening tonight and Saturday at the library at 7 p'. #BigRedsBaby 🔴⚫️

Our art students enjoying an outing at Simmons Farm. #BigRedsBaby 🔴⚫️

Prep for spirit week next week. #BigRedsBaby 🔴⚫️

Lady Reds drop 3 set decision to Wheeling Central at the House of Champions. #BigRedsBaby 🔴⚫️

Congratulations to our senior volleyball players on great careers at BHS. #BigRedsBaby 🔴⚫️

Bellaire High School has made the top 5 readers choice for best public high school in the Times Leader, Intelligencer, and Wheeling News Register. Voting is open now. Please vote for Bellaire High School. #BigRedsBaby http://www.theintelligencer.net/best